From Joanne Bittiker: For newcomers to our church who may not be aware, the Polytechnic Center of United Community Centers has a clothing room open MWF from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. The Poly Center is located at 3100 Avenue I, Fort Worth, 76105 in the neighborhood just south of Texas Wesleyan University.
The clothing room is staffed by volunteers from Arborlawn. We have a lot of fun as we help others. Additional workers are needed for the first and third Wednesdays of each month. If you can help, please contact Madelyn Dean or Joanne Bittiker for more details. Also, please continue to call us to come by and pick up your gently used clothes or bring them to Arborlawn to Room 230 (the room adjacent to the kitchen).
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