[Editor’s Note: The deadline for filling and returning Thanksgiving Bags has been extended to Sunday, November 16. Come get a bag, shop away, fill the bag with goodwill (and groceries!), and return it to help feed a local family this Thanksgiving.]
Both United Community Centers and WestAid reach out each year with love and compassion by providing food to local families who would otherwise be unable to celebrate on Thanksgiving Day, the time we all set aside to consider and reflect on gratitude. We invite everyone to participate in this special Thanksgiving Bags holiday outreach that serves these hungry families in the community. We appreciate your missions-minded hearts.
A very large percentage of the families who receive these holiday baskets earn very low wages, are on fixed incomes, are unemployed or underemployed, or participate in other supplemental meal programs. This outreach provides a traditional holiday meal for these people during a season of the year when the culture celebrates bounty.
Please consider participating by picking up a brown bag in the Lower Commons outside of the Sanctuary or in the Upper Commons outside of the Worship Center. You will find a shopping list attached to the bag. Please fill the bag with the items listed and return the bag to the church on or before Sunday November 16. Or, you can use the list below to do the same with your own paper bag.
Thanksgiving Bags shopping list: 1 can cranberry sauce; 2 cans corn; 2 cans green beans; 2 cans yams; 2 cans fruit; 1 box tea bags; 2 6-ounce packages stuffing mix; 1 box pie crust and 1 can pie filling OR 1 cake mix and 1 container of frosting.
If you would prefer to give a monetary donation, please make a check payable to Arborlawn UMC with “Thanksgiving Bags 2014” in the memo line. Please bring your check to the church office or put it in the offering plate on Sunday. (Please do not put your check in the bag with your donated food items.) Thank you for helping making Thanksgiving a blessed event for a local family.
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