The Journey Sunday School Class is studying "Countering Pharaoh Today: A Journey from Slavery to Covenant" featuring Walter Brueggemann. The class meets during the Sunday School hour (9:45-10:45 a.m.) in Room 260. More details: Tom Harkrider.
Session One, January 11: The Way Out. Exodus 1-19; Exodus 2:23, 3:7-10, 19:8. Explore the struggle of people in slavery versus the Pharaonic system described in Exodus; God’s action; how that is re-enacted today. #RapaciousEconomics #VoicedPain
Session Two, January 18: The Decalogue. Exodus 20 (10 Commandments, Exodus 16 & 17 (wilderness passages). Explore the 10 Commandments and how they counter the Pharaonic system of production and consumption. #AcquisitiveEconomics #AntiHaranicCovenant
Session Three, January 25: Countering Caesar. Luke 2 & 3, John 19:14-16, Acts 17:6, Romans 12. The story of Jesus’ life is completely bracketed by Caesar (the New Testament cognate for “Pharaoh”). Jesus calls the disciples to an alternative obedience outside the definitions of reality offered by establishment power. Explore the similarities of Pharaoh’s system, the Roman system, and our system today. #JunkFoodofPharaoh #PharaohsScarcity #YahwehsAbundance
Session Four, February 1: An Act of Imagination. Psalm 73. Where does Pharaoh show up now? In technological, therapeutic, military consumerism. We live in a Pharaonic society marked by conformity and isolated individualism that is legitimated by idolatry for which there is no longer any maintenance for a public fabric. “Neighborhood” is a choosable alternative.
Session Five, February 8: On Not Doing God Any Favors. Psalm 50, Deuteronomy 6. God is not in need of what we have, not open to bribery or flattery or any manipulation. God does not want or need or permit worshipers to do any favors for the almighty. Transforming our culture from one of greed to gratitude. #Shemah #BilateralIntimacy
Overview video for the series:
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