Make plans to join us Thursday, Aug. 30 at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary for the "Feed the Children, Feed the Soul" concert. The night of music is presented by Concerts at Arborlawn and features musicians of the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Paul Haas, guest conductor.

We are proud to announce that 11-year-old Claire Wells will be playing in the concert. Claire is Grand Prize winner in the 2012 Collin County Concerto and 2012 Vernell Gregg Young Artist competitions.
The concert is free, but donations to the Snack Sack Ministry (financial or with food items listed below) are appreciated.
Arborlawn’s Snack Sack Ministry distributes small bags of food assembled by church members and taken to community schools for distribution to children who are at risk of not having enough to eat over the weekend. Typically these children are on a free-lunch program. The children have no idea where the food comes from. They simply know they have some food for the weekend and that someone cares! Requested items are: 100 percent juice boxes (hard sided cartons), small cans of Vienna sausages, small pop-top cans of fruit or pudding cups, individual boxes of cereal or cereal/granola bars, packaged cheese or peanut butter crackers, individual servings of Easy Mac N Cheese, and gallon-sized sealable plastic storage bags.
The musicians presenting this concert encourage you to give generously to help the Snack Sack Ministry. This concert is not a production of the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra Association.
Also, mark your calendars for these Concerts at Arborlawn dates in the next few weeks: Saturday, Sept. 22, 10 a.m. - Children's Organ Concert - a fun and informative concert by Jerry Westenkuehler. Sunday, Sept. 30 - Organ Dedication Festival - special offerings in morning worship and again at 7 p.m., featuring Jerry Westenkuehler and Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra. Monday, Oct. 1, 7 p.m. - Organ Dedication Festival - featuring Todd Wilson.
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