Do you have an hour a week for something amazing?
My name is Megan Madewell and I have been a part of Arborlawn UMC for many years. In fact, Ben Disney married my husband and me. He also baptized both our children. When I was sitting in church one Sunday morning, I heard Dave share Kim’s story about Kids Hope. It definitely got my wheels turning. I prayed about it and then I remember thinking, “I am not religious enough to help someone.” “How would I have time for that?” Or, “I am not old enough to have such wisdom that a child would need.” Then I heard from God, “You can do this.”
Fast forward and it’s now the second part of the school year and I have been meeting with my Kids Hope boy since September. I go the same time and the day of every week. We usually go outside and get the wiggles out and then our time seems to go so quickly. Week after week I look forward to seeing him. I have been feeling for some time now that I am not making a difference to him. Sure he likes to see me and we have a great time, but I didn’t feel like he cared if I was there or not.
Something was different last week. I went to the office to get him. He came down the hall, he saw me, his eye lit up, and he started smiling. I started waving to him. He came right up to me and gave me this incredible hug, which is something that he has never done. Then he grabbed my hand and said, “Let’s go.” On the way to our room, he looks at me and says, “I missed you.” My heart is full, and I then realized he changed me.
That’s all it took. One hour a week.
[Editor's Note: If you are interested in becoming a Kids Hope mentor, please contact Laurie Ryan or Shirley Watkins.]
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