By Judy Williamson
There is Good News at Arborlawn. Arborlawn members are helping feed hungry people. Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.” There is also disturbing news. The number of people who need food assistance seems to be growing dramatically. The opportunities for helping our near neighbors abound. You can be part of what happens now and what happens next.
The people of Arborlawn provided 191 generous Thanksgiving Bags and turkeys to the people in the North Side, Polytechnic, Hospital District, and Far West neighborhoods of Fort Worth through the three United Community Centers (Wesley, Poly, and Bethlehem) and WestAid (Cherry Lane at Camp Bowie West).
An Adult Mission team just returned from UMCOR's (United Methodist Committee on Relief) Sager Brown Depot in Baldwin, Louisiana. The team worked in tasks related to restocking emergency supplies such as food, water, medical kits, and cleaning supplies to be used in major disasters throughout the world before the disasters occur. United Methodists are always ready to help in disaster relief.
Many Sunday School classes choose to provide monthly breakfast bags for all the people at the Presbyterian Night Shelter and personally serve monthly meals at the Samaritan House.
The Advent and Lenten Concerts provide a high quality music experience and a love offering lunch to our members and to our guests.
The Snack Sacks Ministry provides weekend snacks to children who receive federally funded food supplements on weekdays in the public schools. Snack Sacks also provides training to other groups who want to start a Snack Sacks Ministry in their neighborhoods. Nash Elementary School has been added recently.
The Food Pantry at Arborlawn provides supplementary canned food assistance to people in five ZIP codes near the church who are referred by agencies such as 211, the near neighborhood schools, and various job training and re-training groups. Each guest of the Food Pantry comes on Monday or Wednesday mornings between 9 a.m. and Noon or on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Church volunteers and TCU nutrition students staff the Food Pantry, which served 239 people in October. On the first two Food Pantry days in November, 27 were served. The number of people seeking food assistance at the Food Pantry is larger than projected and expected. Classes that have restocked the pantry in October and November include New Hope, Faith Bible, Bible Study, and Sojourners. TCU nutrition students and wonderful, caring individuals have also helped. Shopping lists for the Food Pantry and Snack Sacks Ministry are always available.
Individual Arborlawn members are requesting information about serving food on Thanksgiving and Christmas Days at mission locations in Fort Worth. There are a very few opportunities on the wait list for Thanksgiving Day at the Presbyterian Night Shelter (817-632-7400. Christmas Day volunteer opportunities at the Salvation Army, Presbyterian Night Shelter, and Union Gospel Mission (817-332-2922) are filling quickly. These groups offer training sessions for volunteers before the holidays. Contact these locations directly. Arborlawn Students will sponsor two weeks of food at the Food Pantry in December. Monthly sponsors for most of the food ministries at Arborlawn are appreciated for 2012. Volunteer time is a great treasure all people can share.
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