[Editor's Note: This article is from the November issue of the monthly online newsletter distributed by Arborlawn Student Ministries. See the subscription link here. The group’s latest project is the sale of holiday popcorn to benefit the Arborlawn Community Garden.]
Our November spotlight is on the faces behind Flour Power. Flour Power started as The Flour Girls led by Annie Rheuark and Phoebe Austin-Weeks for their service project in Confirmation in 2011. Annie and Phoebe decided to take their love of baking and combine it with a way to serve the community by selling baked goods to raise money to benefit various organizations. For their first sale, they sold $500 worth of cupcakes to benefit the Arborlawn Food Pantry. The girls also received an Honorary UMW Pin in Christmas of 2012.
“It is amazing to me that Annie and Phoebe (with parents help) had been doing all the work themselves,” says Donna Crawford. “It is a huge undertaking and they have done an amazing job of organizing everything while also raising money for some great organizations.”
The 2012 Confirmation Class decided to help the Flour Girls as their class service project. With the goal of having other students to help on an on-going basis, Annie and Phoebe recruited Confirmand students and renamed the group Flour Power. Students who have helped with Flour Power include (but may not be limited to... we rounded up what names we could) Shelby Parker, Michael Collins, Erin Ainslee, Faith Carlson, Grace Salvaggio, Anna Baggs, Zhara Martin, Jessica Puckett, Ryan Fox, Matthew Crawford, Travis Crawford, Ryan Hill, Madilynn Mar, Maci Neilson, Caroline Cooke, Alli Fain, Megan Smith, Kate Boller, and Alyssa Nunez. Adults who have helped include Melissa Austin-Weeks, Lora Rheuark, Edwin Rheuark, Donna Crawford, Debbie Hutchinson, Karen Fox, Shannon Collins, Laura Salvaggio, Barbara Michel, Brad Bowen, and John Sutter.
Melissa Austin-Weeks says: “Baking sweets for change has not only benefitted many people in need, but has taught these children how to budget their funds for the purchase of supplies, to develop culinary skills, explore opportunities to serve agencies in the community, to learn time management, and to identify and execute the steps in project management.”
Since the beginning, Annie, Phoebe, and Flour Power students have raised close to $3,000 for a variety of non-profit organizations, including Family Pathfinders, Habitat for Humanity, the Arborlawn Snack Sacks program, the community garden of La Trinidad UMC, and the Wounded Warriors project. Way to go Flour Power, you guys are great!
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