It has stood for more than forty years, serving as a constant witness to the work and ministry of the church and a familiar landmark for the community. For decades, the chimes and carillon bells have brought music and beauty to the congregation and the surrounding neighborhood. The Bell Tower has served its purpose well.
As you recall, the Trustees unanimously recommended razing the structure due to serious concerns related to integrity of the brick façade surrounding the metal infrastructure. A chemical adhesive used in the original construction process to bind the bricks to the metal supports has shown signs of deterioration and weakness, resulting in numerous cracks and fissures in the brick exterior. The danger is not in the metal infrastructure but primarily with the possibility of bricks becoming dislodged, which poses a serious safety concern.
While none of us want to lose the Bell Tower, the safety issues cannot be ignored. Upon the recommendation of the Trustees to remove the Bell Tower, we hosted a Town Hall meeting last Fall to bring the congregation up-to-date and invite and answer any questions that might arise.
Here are a few questions and answers that might be helpful:
Q. When will the Bell Tower be removed?
A. As scheduled, the demolition project will take place between April 3 and April 12, 2013.
Q. Could the Bell Tower be repaired?
A. No. The structural engineering reports stated the condition of the bricks and adhesive made it virtually impossible to repair.
Q. Are there plans to construct a new Bell Tower?
A. Not at this time. The initial estimates to build another tower similar in scope and size range from $180,000 and above. We do not have the funding at this time to consider building a similar tower.
Q. What will happen to the chimes and carillon bells?
A. The Bell Tower only holds the speakers for the carillon bell system. The speakers will be removed prior to the demolition and relocated to another site on the roof of the existing building. The music and chimes from the carillon bells will continue.
Q. Can we still access the building through the entrance near the former sanctuary and offices during the demolition?
A. Yes, the entrance near the offices will remain open. Part of the parking lot will be cordoned off during the demolition process to ensure the safety of our people. Plans to mark off part of the parking lot will be available prior to the demolition.
Q. Will the cross on top of the Bell Tower be retained?
A. Yes. The cross will be retained and we are currently exploring ways in which to relocate and display the cross properly.
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