[Editor's Note: The College Ministry (18/24) is collecting items and addresses for college-care packages. We need pencils, highlighters, baked goods, individually packaged snacks, etc. See the collection bin in the church office. The care-packages will be assembled and mailed on April 17. Send current student school mailing addresses to Dave Brower. Read more below.] From Dave Brower: 18/24 is a ministry at Arborlawn for college-aged people. This time in the life of a person is one of great discovery and transition. Our hope is to provide people with a sense of belonging and to help them discern where God is leading in their lives through these years. 18/24 is a group for those who have graduated high school through the Arborlawn Student Ministry program as well as for those who have found their way to Fort Worth during this time in their lives.
During the school year 18/24 hosts a Bible study on Tuesdays at 9:15 p.m. This is a peer-led Bible study that looks to scripture to inspire and inform lives to be transformed for God. In the summer we hold a Sunday School class as well as a May mission trip. In the past we have run a care-package ministry for those students off at college (whether near or far).

We are revitalizing the care-package ministry this spring. Starting this Sunday (April 7) there will be a collection bin located in the main church office to collect items to go into our care packages. We are looking for donations to send to our students to remind them that they have a church family at Arborlawn - remembering them, praying for them, and supporting them during the most stressful part of the semester.
We typically look for individually packaged candy, baked goods, instant coffee/tea/hot chocolate, trail mix, highlighters and #2 pencils. If you wish to donate baked goods, we kindly ask for them to be delivered on April 15 or 16 to ensure their freshness.
Michelle Pettit is heading up volunteers to pack the care packages on Wednesday, April 17 at 11:30 a.m. in Room 220. They will be shipped out shortly thereafter. If you are interested in helping to pack care-packages, we would love for you to join!
One of the greatest hurdles in the sending of care-packages is making sure all of our addresses are up-to-date. If you are the parent/grandparent/guardian of one of these students, it would be most helpful if you could email
Dave Brower with an updated mailing address to make sure the care-package reaches your student.
We are excited about being a church with so many young people who love God and continue to love their church family while they are away at college. I am also proud to serve a church that continually supports these young people in so many different ways – including the care-package ministry. I hope you will help us to continue to pour out love and support for these students as they continue to grow and develop into the people the Holy Spirit is shaping them to be.
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