By Ben Disney
“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” T. S. Eliot
We’ve come to the final week of The Bible in 90 Days journey. More than 400 of our members made the commitment in January to read the Bible in its entirety from beginning to end. The journey included weekly teaching sessions and small group discussions led and facilitated by volunteers.
Countless individuals have expressed their surprise and appreciation for how this experience has changed their lives. People have shared with me the profound effect this journey continues to have on their marriage, relationships, outlook, and understanding.
Everyone has his or her own reaction. I can’t speak for each individual, but I can speak about the difference I believe it’s made in the church. Throughout this journey, worship has taken on a new and different feel. Instead of a congregation passively listening to words spoken from an individual, it feels more like a congregation actively engaged in a holy conversation. There’s a deeper Spirit that abounds when people are immersed in God’s Word and actively seeking the truth.
What excites me most is not just what has happened but what will come as a result of people taking seriously the effort to read and understand the Bible. I’m convinced God will do what God has always done: plant seeds, offer grace, love unconditionally, inspire hearts, and move people to fully become all that they were created to be. God will do something with and through our people in this journey.
Jesus said, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” So, if you’re finishing The Bible in 90 Days and it feels like you’ve come full circle, you’re in the right place.
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