Have you ever wondered how unbudgeted improvements and repairs are funded at Arborlawn? Consider the recently mandated sprinkler system in the SAM Building to meet code enforcement by the city, the Arborlawn welcome sign at the corner of Briarhaven Road and Arborlawn Drive, and the renovation a few years ago of the children's area.
These are just a few of the improvements that have been funded most recently and made possible by the gifts of church members who support the Arborlawn Foundation. Most of these gifts are given as honoraria and memorials, or through estate planning gifts such as charitable remainder trusts, or through individual life insurance trusts.
The Foundation holds permanent endowment funds and other designated gifts separate from the church operating budget. These funds advance the work of the church by growing and providing a permanent source of financial support. The Foundation is overseen by church members appointed by the Charge Conference of the church.
The Primary Foundation Fund is dedicated to maintain, improve, and expand the church's property including repayment of debt, if needed. Only the fund income may be spent each year, leaving the fund balance intact to generate income year after year.
Contributions will be added to the Primary Fund unless the donor otherwise directs. Any number of funds may be established by the Foundation for designated or specific purposes. Honoraria and Memorials are especially appreciated as lasting tributes to friends and loved ones.
Gifts to the Arborlawn Foundation can be used in various ways. One option is to make an undesignated gift. These gifts are added to the Primary Fund and used to finance unbudgeted improvements and repairs such as carpeting, plumbing, air conditioning repairs, parking lot resurfacing, roofing, kitchen repairs, sound system work, or other improvements to church property.
The Foundation can accept gifts of all types and sizes. Testamentary gifts provide a way to continue your tithe to the church in perpetuity. Examples of gifts opportunities include: cash, real estate, personal residences, stocks, bonds, life insurance, will bequests, or gifts through charitable trusts.
You may want your gift to support or create a certain ministry, provide specific equipment, or pay for special church projects. Your choices are as varied as your interest. The Foundation will administer your gift in strict accordance with your wishes. Gifts of all varieties and sizes are welcomed.
Foundation gifts can be left in the church office. Checks should be made payable to Arborlawn United Methodist Church Foundation, Inc.
Although the Foundation often works quietly behind the scenes, it has been instrumental in providing funds for many unbudgeted church needs. Contact the Senior Pastor or any member of the Foundation Board. We will be happy to help.
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