The Promise Singers choir from Aldersgate Enrichment Center will be singing at Arborlawn's 11:00 a.m. worship service on Sunday, November 10. Aldersgate is an innovative Christian community for people with mental and physical disabilities.
Aldersgate was founded by the United Methodist Men of Central Texas Conference to provide housing and employment for mentally challenged adults. In 1988, Brownwood, Texas was chosen as the site to build a campus on 150 acres to provide housing and diverse employment opportunities. Through the dreams of United Methodist Men, Aldersgate has become a unique vocational community that offers a safe work environment where individual challenges are met and overcome.
Aldersgate Fact for 10/27/13: Aldersgate vocational programs employ 75 associates who provide quality services to regional businesses like The 3M Corporation, Kohler (bathroom fixtures), Texas Department of Transportation, and DanHil Containers. These partnerships offer skilled and semi-skilled work and training that maximizes the abilities and interest of each associate.
A little known detail in the history of Aldersgate Enrichment Center is that some of Arborlawn's current members were instrumental in its formation.
Aldersgate receives no direct financial support from the Central Texas Conference and is dependent upon support from individual donations and the income from manufacturing at the center.
Arborlawn has already supported this mission by funds raised at the May 2013 Branch Out missions event. We hope to increase the awareness and support of Aldersgate by having you join us at a luncheon in the Family Life Center after worship on November 10. The luncheon will include a time of giving to Aldersgate Enrichment Center through a love offering. So please mark your calendars and join us. If you haven't already added your name to the meal headcount through your Sunday School class, please call the church office to be added to the count.
If you would like to learn more about Aldersgate, contact
Tom Hutchinson.
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