A Festival of Advent
Sunday, December 14
8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Worship
Do not miss this seasonal annual favorite! The Chancel Choir and The Chancel Orchestra at Arborlawn perform all new music from the Advent and Christmas seasons, including works by Roberts, Greer, and Cherwien, with a few surprises thrown in. Senior Minister Ben Disney will be preaching. Join us for this wonderful service of worship!
Noon-day Advent Recitals
Mondays, December 1, 8, and 15
Arborlawn’s Noon-day Advent Recitals are Mondays, December 1, 8, and 15. The music starts at 12:00 p.m. in the Elizabeth Cramer Chapel. The recitals feature local Arborlawn talent and guest artists. We hope you’ll make every opportunity to be present for these inspirational concerts. Stay for a light lunch afterward in the Family Life Center. The luncheons benefit Arborlawn’s youth choir, Cantabile.
This year’s lineup: Monday, December 1: Jerry Westenkuehler and Karen Gossett playing organ and piano duets of the season. Monday, December 8: The Talents of Arborlawn. Monday, December 15: The Arborlawn Men’s Quartet.
Schola Cantorum
Monday, December 8
7:30 p.m.
For many of our patrons, the Christmas season doesn’t officially begin until the Schola concerts! Join us this year for “Echoes of Christmases Past” (music by Parsons, Hassler, Bruckner) and invigorating “Carols of the Season” (music by Adams, Hella Johnson, Lauridsen, Sund, Young). This concert also includes cameo performances by the high school choir from Trinity Valley School of Fort Worth. Tickets are $10 for Adults, Seniors, and Educators, and $5 for College and High School Students. Tickets may be purchased at ScholaTexas.com, by calling 817-485-2500, or at the door.
Texas Boys Choir
Monday, December 15
7:00 p.m.
Join the Texas Boys Choir in its 2014 Christmas Festival Concert in Arborlawn's Sanctuary. The story of Christmas is told through the reading of Scripture and original poetry, performances by the choir, and congregational singing of carols. Come hear the boys as they share music samplings, both ancient and modern, from around the world. Tickets cost $13 for adults and $5 for students in advance (at TexasBoysChoir.org) or $15 for adults and $7 for students at the door.
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