Our Family Missions Day benefiting the worldwide mission Kids Against Hunger is Sunday, February 15. All ages will be gathering together and working side-by-side as we prepare “meals in a bag” – assembly-line bags containing a variety of dry ingredients that are eventually mixed with boiling water to provide nutritious meals.
While many of the meals are shipped overseas, some groups in our own area are also recipients. This mission event is about providing finished bags to the Kids Against Hunger organization.
We will gather in the Family Life Center in three shifts starting at 9:45 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. There are still plenty of opportunities to pack meals during the latter two shifts.
Our goal is to pack 15,000 bags. Each meal costs 25 cents, and because of your generosity we have raised $2,000 towards the $3,750 we need for this project. Donations will be accepted in the bag packing area this Sunday. Thank you so much for helping us feed hungry people in all corners of the world.
If you have any questions, please contact Donna Crawford. We look forward to all leaning into this project together as a church family on February 15!
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