Funding for Security Achieved – Thanks to YOU
Amount Needed $120,000
Raised to Date $120,669
Balance Needed $0!
The Leadership of Arborlawn is so appreciative that our members recognize and support safety and security for the ministries, programs and activities of our seven-day-a-week church.
Thank you for your tremendous response. In little more than a month, we have exceeded our goal of $120,000. Thanks to you, Arborlawn will continue to be a safe and secure place of worship and ministry for all of God’s people.
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Prospective & New Member Luncheon March 22
All Prospective and New Members are cordially invited to a special luncheon on Sunday, March 22 at 12:15 p.m. Please RSVP to the church office at 817-731-0701 no later than Friday, March 13. We look forward to sharing a meal and getting to know you!
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Family Missions Day Events: Saturday, March 21; Sunday, May 3
Please join us on Saturday, March 21 for a workday at J.T. Stevens Elementary (6161 Wrigley Way, Fort Worth, 76133). Join us from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for the “Spruce Up the Campus” project. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to be a part of this special day.
Come to the main entrance by the flagpole to check in when you arrive. This is a come-and-go event, so join us anytime you are available. There are several projects to work on, but there are a few specific needs. We need a couple of pickups to haul off trash and limbs to the dump. We are also sprucing up the Teacher’s Lounge and are looking for donations of a gently used comfy chair or couch and decorations. There will be lots of gardening, tree and shrub trimming, and raking and weeding. We need everyone who can to bring chainsaws, rakes, pruning shears, and garbage bags. There will also be a couple of benches that need to be sanded and refinished, an auditorium backdrop that needs to be painted, and tile walls to be cleaned. It would be great if you would like to bring snacks or lunch. There is something for everyone!
We will be collecting donations for supplies on Sunday, March 15 at the Connection Center if you would like to contribute. Also, two sofas have been donated and we need someone with a truck to transport them. If you can help with one of the specific needs, please contact Donna Crawford ([email protected], 817-798-4843). We look forward to all working together as a congregation alongside some of the kids and families from J.T. Stevens to improve their facility. Please join us for this great community project!
Also, we're having a Family Missions Day All-Church Picnic on Sunday, May 3 after the late worship services. Join us on the soccer fields south of the SAM Building as the entire congregation welcomes the families of Kids Hope, some families from All Church Home, and Arborlawn's Food Pantry guests. After lunch we'll have a mission project for everyone to participate in together.
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Tuesday Night Together (TNT): March 24
All Women Invited
All women of the church are invited to our next dinner social on March 24 at 6:30 at Fred’s Texas TCU (3505 Bluebonnet Circle). TNT meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday at our favorite restaurants to share food and fellowship. Please make a reservation with Yvonne Harpole or Ellen Miller.
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Upcoming WOW Study – March 25
Gideon, by Priscilla Shirer, will be the next study for Women of the Word. From a state of fear, weakness and insecurity, Gideon emerged as Israel’s hero, filled with God’s presence and His passion for deliverance. This study will encourage you to recognize your weakness as the key the Lord gives you to unlock the full experience of His strength in your life.
This 7-week study begins Wednesday, March 25, with class time from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. The class will be led by Dana Cook and Pam Horton. Member books are available at Lifeway, Amazon, and
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Crime Prevention & Awareness
Saturday, March 28 2:30 Room 225 At Arborlawn
Come and hear from Police Officer J. E. Musquiz ("Moose") on how to increase your awareness of your surroundings and protect yourselves - both in your home and out in the community. Everyone is welcome – especially our senior adults! “Moose” is a neighborhood police officer (NPO) in a neighborhood near Arborlawn. He has lots of some great ideas to help us be safe. Please join us!
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The Table: Lent and Easter 2015
How do the practices and rituals of the church translate to our lives? For many people, the rituals of the church can seem empty or even mindless. If we don’t understand our own practices, then how can we expect them to be transformative? The Eucharist (Communion/The Lord’s Supper) is one of the oldest practices of the Christian Community. Many of us experience this practice on a weekly or monthly basis, but what does it add? Gathering around Christ’s Table is a template for how we are to live in community. When we allow our practices to impact the entirety of our life, we begin to see that Eucharist is a practice that transforms our lives. We begin to see that every table is an altar.
Join us in worship throughout the Lenten season as we consider The Table.
Here are our worship opportunities and events for Lent & Easter 2015:
- Lenten Noon-day Recital: Monday, March 23, 12:00 p.m. in the Elizabeth Cramer Chapel, followed by lunch in the Family Life Center (with a love offering benefiting Cantabile Youth Choir).
Family Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt, Saturday, March 28, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Palm Sunday Worship, Sunday, March 29, 8:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. (Sanctuary) and 11:11 a.m. (Worship Center).
Maundy Thursday Service, Thursday, April 2, 7:00 p.m., Sanctuary.
Good Friday Service, Friday, April 3, 7:00 p.m., Sanctuary.
Easter Sunrise Service, Sunday, April 5, 7:15 a.m., outside of the SAM Building.
Easter Sunday Worship, Sunday, April 5, 8:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. (Sanctuary) and 11:11 a.m.(Worship Center).
Lenten Communion: Sundays Through March 29. Communion will be offered every Sunday morning during Lent (Sundays through March 29) from 10:35-10:45 a.m. in the Elizabeth Cramer Chapel. Stop by on those mornings and participate in this Sacrament of the church during the Lenten season.
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Seek God for the City: Lenten Devotionals from the Prayer Ministry
Arborlawn’s Prayer Ministry invites and encourages everyone to participate in the annual Seek God for the City Lenten devotional series.
Booklets are provided free of charge - a gift to the congregation from the Prayer Ministry. Look for them at the Welcome Kiosks and in the church office. Read more about Seek God for the City at This year's theme is “Prayers of Biblical Hope.”
You might also be interested in the smart phone app for this project. It’s available in both Apple’s App Store and from Google Play and costs $0.99. Read more at The app is great for those times when you're away from your booklet.
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Arborlawn Children's Academy Registration Continues
Registration for Arborlawn Children's Academy continues, with limited spots still available in some classes. If you are interested, please fill out the registration form (download below) and bring it with the registration fee to the church office. We're excited about this new addition to our church!
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Easter Celebration March 28
Join the Easter Bunny (for photos!) and other adorable critters as pre-school and elementary-aged children decorate cookies, create cute crafts, and try out other activities. The fun starts at 10:00, with the Egg Hunt at 11:00, wrapping up at 11:30.
Want to help? Prior to March 28, bring pre-filled Easter eggs (no coins or chocolate, please) to boxes marked throughout the church. Thank you!
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Merrymakers: "Singing in the Rain" March 28
The Merrymakers (Arborlawn's Seniors Group) is going to see the musical "Singing in the Rain" Saturday, March 28 for the 3:00 p.m. matinee at Artisan Center Theater (418 E. Pipeline Road, Hurst, 76053). Cost is $13.20, and the van costs $5 each. Please pay when you make your reservations with Janet Roberson. The church bus will leave the Arborlawn parking lot at 2:00 p.m. Dinner is after the play at Italianni's in Hurst. Contact: Janet Roberson.
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Low-Stress Joining Sunday March 29
We know that being in front of crowds is not everyone’s forte. The distance from the pew to the front of the Sanctuary or Worship Center can seem like miles. So, we are excited to announce that Sunday, March 29 will be Low Stress Joining Sunday. On this Sunday we invite those who have been thinking about joining the church to come down at the end of the services and join with others who have also been considering this important decision. This is a Sunday to celebrate new beginnings and to find community. We hope you will consider being a part of this special day. Please contact DeAndrea Dare ([email protected]) to notify the office of your intent to unite with us. We look forward to this exciting day in the life of Arborlawn!
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VBC: Exciting Opportunities for Children and Adults
Join us for a trek into the “mountains” to learn more about God and his teachings! Vacation Bible Camp will span July 20 – 24 from 9:00 until noon. This year’s theme is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power. Mark you calendar - this will be an incredible week!
Have a few days to serve? Consider leading a class for preschool or elementary-age children. Children will participate in such activities as games, music, arts and crafts, science projects, missions and story time. Leaders will be given lesson plans to teach the children the message of God’s love for five days.
Short on time? We would love your help in preparing decorations during the weeks before VBC, providing snacks for volunteers, or registering children on Monday morning.
If you can help, please email Kristen Harford ([email protected]). For more information, contact Melissa Hedger ([email protected]).
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Styles & Smiles 2015: Planning Begins
From Debbie Wood: Sunshine, green grass, flowers in full bloom, beach vacations! What is missing from this list? Arborlawn UMW Styles & Smiles! Yes, in the cold of our winter weather events, the planning for this summer’s Styles & Smiles Fashion Show has begun. The show will be held on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center.
What can you do? First of all, mark your calendar so you can plan the event into your summer schedule. Second, you can decide that this is the year you want to help with the show. There are many opportunities for service within the show and its planning, but the most pressing thing at this moment is to secure our adult mentors (formerly called stylists) for the children who will be modeling in the show. We will have approximately 12 children (boys and girls) from three United Community Centers who will be our models this year. That means we need AT LEAST 12 mentors (both men and women). Men are especially needed! It would be best if mentors would attend all three practices which will be held in the afternoon on Thursdays, July 9, 16, and 23; if you can make it to all three of these practices, the mentoring will be all the richer for the kids. There will be a dress rehearsal on Monday, July 27, which will be mandatory for our adult mentors to attend so they can get the rhythm of the show down. If you have done this in the past and want to return to this position, or if you are new and are interested, please contact Lynn Newman. Thank you so much for your willingness to be a part of this wonderful UMW mission event.
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New! Arborlawn Clothing Room
Our new Clothing Room is now officially open for business at 9:00 a.m. Monday – Thursday to serve the people who enjoy AUMC’s food pantry.
You may continue to donate your gently used clothing, as well as towels, linens and bedding. Please place these items in front of the closet doors by the library in the SAM Building. Excess items will be donated to the Poly United Community Center.
Interested in volunteering? To serve in the Clothing Room for AUMC or Poly UCC, please call Madelyn Dean (817 292-6607) or Joanne Bittiker (817 294-5465).
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The Ascension Garden Project
Raised to date: $216,653
Estimated goal: $400,000
The proposed Ascension Garden project of Arborlawn is a dedicated and sacred space connecting the main Sanctuary with the Elizabeth Cramer Chapel. The project will include a beautifully designed columbarium, prayer labyrinth, and meditative garden, and will feature the Resurrection stained glass window from the former Westcliff campus.
Many of you may know that our own Paula Thomas was the catalyst and driving force behind the effort to create the Ascension Garden. It was her vision and passion to create a sacred and beautiful space so generations of people would have a place to honor their loved ones, to draw closer to God, to deepen their walk with Christ through prayer, contemplation, and meditation, and to secure a place of peace and quiet while surrounded and strengthened by the visible reminders and symbols of our Christian faith.
Those of us who knew and loved Paula have committed ourselves to completing the good work that God began in her. We promised her we would. That means we have work to do and promises to keep.
To date we have raised $216,404 in gifts and pledges toward the completion of the project ($55,000 for Niche Reservations). The total cost of the Ascension Garden project is estimated to be $400,000. If you wish to contribute to the general Ascension Garden fund, make a tribute gift (potential naming opportunity), reserve a columbarium niche, or if you would like additional information please contact the church office or speak with Kelly Keller or Ben Disney.