The Journey Sunday School Class welcomes everyone to a series called animateFAITH. The seven-part series runs Sundays through September 22. The class meets at 9:45 a.m. in Room 212 (in the West Wing off the hallway between the Family Life Center and the Choral Suite).
The Week Four lesson is about Salvation from Shane Hipps. The cross of Christ stands as a symbol of God’s saving work. But what, exactly, does it mean to be saved? From what? For what? Is salvation a reward we claim at death or something meant to change our lives right now? For Shane Hipps, these are the questions we need to answer if we are to truly receive the release that comes with salvation in the here and now.
The Animate course imaginatively explores central topics of Christianity. In each Animate: Faith session, the class (and guests) will watch a video featuring a leading voice from the Christian faith, spend time on personal reflection and journaling, and share ideas. Each session delves into a faith topic: God, religion, Jesus, salvation, the cross, the Bible, and church.
The Journey class is for those who are more interested in good questions than pat answers, who are curious about religion, and who want to discuss ideas in a lively, open way. For more details on this particular study, visit the Journey Class Blog; or, for general questions about The Journey class, please contact Tom Harkrider.
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