United Community Centers announces the 9th Annual Carvey Golf Tournament. The event is Monday, Mar. 25 at Mira Vista Golf Club (6600 Mira Vista Blvd., Fort Worth, 76132) with a shotgun start at 11 a.m. The tournament raises funds for the programs of United Community Centers. Read more about this Fort Worth United Methodist institution at UnitedCommunityCenters.org.
Cost is $150 for a single golfer or $500 for a foursome and includes golf cart, range balls, beverages, lunch, and snacks. Please wear a collared shirt. No denim, please. You and/or your team may register up to the morning of the event, but pre-registration is appreciated. Please contact UCC's Director of Development David Underwood (817-927-5556, ext. 115). A variety of sponsorships are also available.
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